Primary Color Palette with color code and other elements.
Primary Background Color
Background Color Options | Class | Description |
Background Color | .bg-primary |
Primary Class for background color. |
Lighten Color |* |
For lighten primary background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 lighten primary color options. |
Darken Color |* |
For darken primary background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 darken primary color options. |
Accent Color |* |
For accent primary background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 accent primary color options. |
Primary Border Color
Border Color Options | Class | Description |
Border Color | .border-primary |
Primary Class for background color. |
Lighten Border | .border-primary .border-lighten-* |
For lighten primary background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 lighten primary color options. |
Lighten Top Border | .border-top-primary .border-top-lighten-* |
For lighten primary top border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only top border. |
Lighten Bottom Border | . .border-bottom-lighten-* |
For lighten primary bottom border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only bottom border. |
Lighten Right Border | .border-right-primary .border-right-lighten-* |
For lighten primary right border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only right border. |
Lighten Left Border | .border-left-primary .border-left-lighten-* |
For lighten primary left border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only left border. |
Darken Border | .border-primary .border-darken-* |
For darken primary background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 darken primary color options. |
Darken Top Border | .border-top-primary .border-top-darken-* |
For darken primary top border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only top border. |
Darken Bottom Border | . .border-bottom-darken-* |
For darken primary bottom border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only bottom border. |
Darken Right Border | .border-right-primary .border-right-darken-* |
For darken primary right border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only right border. |
Darken Left Border | .border-left-primary .border-left-darken-* |
For darken primary left border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only left border. |
Accent Border | .border-primary .border-accent-* |
For accent primary background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 accent primary color options. |
Accent Top Border | .border-top-primary .border-top-accent-* |
For accent primary top border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only top border. |
Accent Bottom Border | . .border-bottom-accent-* |
For accent primary bottom border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only bottom border. |
Accent Right Border | .border-right-primary .border-right-accent-* |
For accent primary right border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only right border. |
Accent Left Border | .border-left-primary .border-left-accent-* |
For accent primary left border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only left border. |
Primary Text Color
Border Color Options | Class | Description |
Text Color | .primary |
Class for Primary Text color. |
Lighten Color | .primary.lighten-* |
For lighten primary text color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 for lighten primary color options. |
Darken Color | .primary.darken-* |
For darken primary text color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 for darken primary color options. |
Accent Color | .primary.accent-* |
For accent primary text color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 for accent primary color options. |
Reference :
Type | URL |
Template Page | |